|There is a cheese I really like the look of – Shropshire Blue – The combination of the annatto orange cheese with the blue veins is quite stunning and looks the part on any cheeseboard. So I though I would make a cheese today that is inspired by the Shropshire, though mine will be a softer and creamier blue.
Also a few differences in the cheese making process
- I’ve also been creating two cheeses per 10L recently, a 6L aged one and a 4L fresh one, so this cheese was made with 6L of milk.
- I used a new brand of culture – Country Brewer: Flora Danica. This is a lot heavier than the other brand of culture I have been using so the culture weights are much higher. Don’t mind that at all, much easier to weigh out.
- 6l of non-homogenised fresh milk
- 1.24g of Flora Danica starter
- a pinch of Penicillin Roqueforti (Blue mould)
- 1.5ml of 50% CaCl solution
- 1.8ml of Annatto
- 1.7ml of 140 IMCU/ml rennet
- 14g of salt flakes