|For my birthday I received a ‘UFO Cold Smoke Generator‘ – this is a nifty little cold smoke generator that can be attached to any vessel to create a smoker. Cold smoking is a way of treating food that does not cook it. Bacon & smoked salmon are cold smoked. Cold smoked food generally needs to be cooked before consuming it. However there is another way to smoke food – Hot smoked. Hot smoked food is cooked while it is smoked and includes Ham and Pastrami. The heat of a hot smoker is very low, 100-120 degrees celsius.
I went for a Cold & Hot smoker.
The vessel I use was an old webber BBQ but instead of using the charcol for heat, I installed a small gas burner as I can managed the heat better and for longer. I also raised the height of the lid somewhat to allow for more foodstuffs.
I call it FrankenSmoker.